


If you are looking for a valuation on a car you own or are looking to buy then CarSpotter Car Valuation is the service for you! The CarSpotter service is really easy to use, simply text your registration number into 86007 to begin.

Depending on the information available, we will send you up to three messages about the vehicle. Each message costs £1.50 to receive; maximum cost is £4.50 plus standard network charge.

CarSpotter will perform a check on the vehicle registration number with a host of reliable data suppliers to ensure the information we provide is as accurate as possible. 

Text the registration to 86007 

The CarSpotter report includes:

Date of registration
Price when new
Average current value
Average mileage for age
Total cylinder capacity
Break horsepower
Acceleration (0-60 mph)
Top speed
Average petrol consumption
Trade-in price, clean
Trade-in price, average condition

Once the initial check has been completed against a registration, we will prompt you for the vehicle mileage. By using the actual mileage of the vehicle we can update your report and provide a more accurate valuation in just one message (£1.50). 

The valutions CarSpotter UK provides relies on information from sources that can be accessed by our data suppliers.

Valuations are indicative, after all, the value of a car not only depends on age, but also depends on the state of maintenance, the mileage and are interior and exterior driven. CarSpotter in no way guarantees the value of a car. The final value of a car will depend on various factors such as supply and demand and state of maintenance. CarSpotter UK explicitly advises you to engage the services of an expert in the event of a proposed purchase or sale. A valuation released in the supplied text messages by CarSpotter UK is expressly not an offer from CarSpotter UK.

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